
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Welcome to the Workshop!

Step inside the Second Wind Workshop.  This marks my first foray into blogging.  I'm hoping to take my experiences in woodworking and share the process, the results and to build a consolidated network of woodworking information and education.  I must admit that I selfishly want to organize my favorite online resources into a format that allows me to follow them and comment with my own take on the topics.  Hopefully this will become a place for folks to follow my woodworking adventures and/or to share in those resources and even contribute their own viewpoints. 

Why "Second Wind" as a title?  I've always enjoyed woodworking and design, however it's been a very "up and down" ride.  Even as my passion has grown over the years, a busy job and other interests (too many perhaps) have really kept me from pursuing woodworking and design as a passion.  Thanks to such a wide access to content on the net, I see how many others are living a full life and following this desire we share to create with wood.  So why don't I?  I enjoy every minute I spend in my shop, so why not me too?  I've spent quite a bit of time thinking on this over the past few weeks and have come to the conclusion that this passion is one I truly want to pursue, even at the expense of saying "No" to some other things.  I feel like I've been given my second wind for woodworking.

I've also felt like I'm coming "back into the game" a little late.  I turned 41 a couple months ago, and while I know that age isn't or shouldn't be a barrier for anyone, it does feel like I've let some significant years of learning and skill building slip through my fingers.  I've yet to find plans for a time machine in any of the woodworking magazines I subscribe to, so dwelling on lost time is just a waste of time.  It's time to move forward again with this new start (a second wind) in woodworking.  One final note on my title selection...Over the past several years I've become more conscious of the need to respect and appreciate God's gift of this planet and the resources we've been blessed with.  I won't launch into a sermon on good stewardship or a lecture on recycling, however I do find a sense of challenge and intrigue in designing and building in a way that is thoughtful of the value our precious resources have.  When possible I'll try to accept the challenge of re-using materials in my them the same second wind that I have.

So welcome again, to my first blog and to The Second Wind Workshop.  Stay tuned!


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