
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just Lego and Find Inspiration

One of our favorite things to do, for my son and I, is to play with Legos.  Over the years many trucks, planes, spaceships and forts have been built.  From time to time we’ll build tall towers for the express purpose of knocking them down…hey, no judging…that’s just how we roll. 
During a recent, rainy Saturday afternoon build session we were working on our towers and I began to experiment with a shape that the boy had left on the floor.  I played with several variations in building some spiraling towers (that could be easily crushed in dramatic fashion!)  While mini-Godzilla was crushing buildings I started building towers using a repetition of various piece combinations.  The results are documented in the photo and inspired me to capture a few ideas in my sketchbook.  I’m picturing using small blocks of wood in some of these same repetitive patterns to build boxes, lighting or even some more sculptural art pieces. 
As it gets colder here I could see this type of work making a great winter-time project when the shop collapses and it gets tougher to work on bigger pieces.  This weekend I’ll take some time in the shop to look through the woodpile and select some stock to experiment with.  There will be some challenges to solve for…how to build/join the pieces, how to form the pieces so that they’re in-line and square, wood type and grain matching…however, the biggest challenge could be keeping Godzilla from breaking out into a berserker’s rampage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

up from the depths...
40 stories high...
breathes fire...
head in the sky...