
Monday, November 3, 2014

Yet Another Clean Slate

Its official…we have a new house and a new space for a workshop.  I’m out of the basement and back in the garage.  I’ll be giving up some floor space compared to the Colorado workshop, however, this two car garage has some nice natural light and ten foot high ceilings.

I’ll need to replace the band saw, drill press and air compressor I sold when we left Colorado, so it looks like there is some shopping in my future to make building up another shop even more fun! 

Some other nice features include a storage attic with ladder access and a dedicated electrical panel.
I should have plenty of capacity to expand the lighting and install a dedicated AC (and dehumidifier) system.

I’ll try to make as many of the tools as mobile as possible and will run as high as I can with shelving and storage racks on the walls.  The house and garage are both concrete block construction, so I’ll need to learn about tapping into the structure to secure everything to the walls.  Any tips from those with similar shops would be greatly appreciated!

Our goods are currently stored in two moving pods.  We’ll receive the first pod, with most of our household goods, in two days.  The second pod with the rest of the household goods and the workshop’s tools (and some choice lumber I wasn’t willing to part with) will arrive the following day.

While it is fun to start with a blank canvas it’s still a lot of work and the actual woodworking is still a little ways off.   I’ll keep you all posted on the progress and will rely on your, always generous, comments and feedback as we bring The Second Wind Workshop back to life.

Wish us good luck, steady hands and strong backs this week!